Tuesday 16 April 2013

10day you challenge- 6places

wow well  the challenge is going fairly quick now Im already on my forth entry (new record for me). Todays topic is 6 places so lets see...


1-Blackpool, as a child my parents often took us there for along weekend there was nothing I loved more than a weekend getting spoilt in Blackpool. It has lots of happy memories for me in Blackpool my fave has to be taking my niece when she was like a year old, her weeface light up when she lay in her pushchair watching the all the lights just reminds you simple pleasures are amazing.  :)

2- My new home, after a rough 12months I moved with my parents to Cowdenbeath its not a million miles from where I used to stay but enough to start over, hopefully it ill be worth it.

3-Sunny Beach Bulgaria, If you've ever been you'll know why instantly I fell in love with the place. It was my first holiday abroad without my parents and it was an absolute blast; cheap drink, water parks & good food what more could you want. Ive got lots of good memories here and Im off this summer to make many more.

4- Edinburgh, well its an all year round marvel. On a lovely spring day I love to spend time in the gardens relaxing and reading a book its just so beautiful when the sun is out.
Then in the summer when the festival comes round spending the day on the mile watching street shows then siting in a beer garden its such an amazing day.
 But lets not forget Edinburgh in winter is just perfect with the German market full of hussle and bustle, the winter wonderland looking gawjus its something I have to attend every year its a true sign of Christmas.

5- Queensferry beach for me will forever be a happy place, I like going here if i ever need time to just chill and get away from everyone, the memories make me happy again.

6- New York, I went in 2004 and ive never felt more at home honestly the buzz is just an amazing  thrill (if this makes sense) you get so caught up in the moment. So many lovely things to see and do I know that one day I will defo go back.

Oh well theres my 6 places, where do you hold fond memories of?
Kirsty xoxo

Monday 15 April 2013

10day you challenge - 7 wants

Oh wow i am loving todays topic well more than yesterdays:) I get to talk about the things I want its going to be sooo hard to decide what ones to write about. So here we go.


1- I sooo want to achieve well in my job :) after not liking my job in the nurserty I ad varuous other jobs and ive always long to get the higest possible level in my job title. Now Ive found a job which I love im aiming to become a pracrioner as apposed to a support worker, as much as I love my current role its good to have high ambitions.

2- I want a bike!! No im not talking bicycle I really want a motor bike. However my mum knew a guy that died in a bike accident when she was younger and is petrified that i'll end the same fqte so id rather not upset her so a girl can dream lol.

3-I want to have the guts to stick up for myself, as my manager once told me im not good with confrontation (not that im the kind to get involved with arguements ect lol.) If someone is annoying me or taking the piss ive got a tendency to take a seat and let it happen because im scared to say anything and them getting annoyed with me in the long run :(.

4-I want to go to Italy more specifacally Verona. I dont know what it is about it Ive read so much about it and Ive always really wanted to go maybe; when im lucky enough some tall dark stranger will sweep me off my feet and take me lol.

5-I want world wide awareness of autism, not just autism but people to be more aware of disabilities and to stop being so judgemental. It bugs me so much being out in the community and seeing the  stares because people dont understand. I just wish for people to be more understanding.

6-I want to have a qualification sounds pretty lame lol but despite having a good job behind me I literally don't have a qualification the highest I have is an NC is social care (wow). I just want to have a piece of paper at the end of the day same as everyone else to say yes i'm good at this but I actually have the certificate to say so lol. I don't know why its never really bothered me but I know so many well educated people and I just want to fit in lol. At the moment I am in waiting for an SVQ2/3 via my work which I'm really looking forward to when it occurs but what I've always wanted to do was childhood studies at Edinburgh Uni; maybe some day a girl can dream right?

7-  After todays tragedy on the news (boston explosion) I'm going to say the one thing I truly hope everyone wants; WORLD PEACE. My god it makes me sick to wake up everyday and there be yet another story this country did this, they said that. Now I understand that every country has its own beliefs ect ect but why the hell can everyone not just get along they are truly not thinking about the innocent parties involved in this all.

Thanks for reading everyone I may not have time tomorrow so i'll unfortunately be a day behind.

Can I just ask a quick favour can everyone please send out prayers to those of the boston explosion and there families; no one should ever have to go through this.

Kirsty xx

Sunday 14 April 2013

10day you challenge; 8 fears

Well its day 3 of the 10day challenge Todays topic 8 fears. Before I get started I must let you all know that personally I am not overwhelmed with the topic but needs must to complete the challenge but at present I'm struggling for 8 so wish Me luck and hopefully I'll make it to the end/

1- Embarrassing myself in social environment is a huge fear of mine; I'm personally not the most intelligent person (enough to get me by in day to day life) but it scares the hell out of me. I worry that at some point or another someone will raise a topic of discussion and I'm going to have not a clue about it (politics is my weakest topic by far; I did modern at school but basically our teacher let us watch Chewn the fat lol). I mean there is nothing worse than sitting in a large group everyone nattering away then they turn to you "What do you think?" =0 , the phrase like a deer in head lights totally springs to mind lol.
2- After being in what I would class as a long term relationship and now being a single (independent is a better word lol) woman I have met my fair share of TWATS since, the guys that act interested want your number but unless your playing easy they aint really that into you. So my big fear here is being soo lame that I don't find a guy that's genuinely into me and I end up alone; As my lovely friend KT says I'm going to turn into the scary old cat lady :(
3- Being an underachiever is a big worry, I know loads of people whom finished school, went to uni and have the job they always dreamed of and I always worry I'll never compare to all that. I finished school, went to college and came out of college early cause I got offered a Job; the job I had wanted all my days to be a Nursery Nurse, let me put it politely It was hell in its highest form nothing like I wanted to do after which I ended up in retail (yehh, NOT!). I waddled along keeping my head down at the end of the day a job was a job. Then a certain someone whom shall remain nameless looked down her nose at me because I worked in retail woo well that was it I was out to prove them wrong, Now I have a fab job as a Support Worker but there's still so much I want all I can do is aim high and try to get there.
4- Being home alone (haha I know sad right) Seriously I'm22 and I still live with my parents I'm that scared of being alone. Often my parents go away for weekends and I feel like Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone the slightest noise freaks me out and I just hate it way to much.
5-  Most people have a pet peeve for these little creepers Spiders! I'm mean they move so fast, and there wee legs eww there dead creepy (even writing this it feels like there all over me thinking bout them).  I've seen a fair few of the big beasties in my life time and the joys of still staying at home I let out the loudest scream ever and I no longer have to deal with them its Daddy to the rescue lol.
6- Getting old, well I know its inevitable and it happens to us all its the circle of life and what not. What I worry about getting old is that I want have done everything that I'll have wanted to do and when I'm younger and when I'm old I'll be incapable of doing it.
OMG so I've managed 6 so far really beginning to struggle this topic is quiet  depressing, must keep going.... must complete challenge....
7- It sounds really silly but rumors/gossip are a fear of mine they can be damaging to a person mentally and ruin someones life. When you were at school remember the school gossips would take turns of picking on one girl making up a rumor and making her life hell; I remember this one time girls started a rumor and I didn't want to go to school for like a month stupid really when you know it isn't true but its even worse when your own so called mates begin to believe it.
But when you leave school you believe those days are over and you'll all good and safe in the real world now until  People get there selves in trouble and to cover their own ass they make up lies/rumours about someone else; this is dangerous people! (sorry ranting abit now, lets leave this one lol)

8- This whole meat scandal and the moment scares the living hell out me, its like a fear of eating anything now and not knowing what you are actually eating what crazy concoction is in this dish, what kind of disgusting tranquilizers or what ever might you be eating. Unfortunately for me I personally love my food to much and I need to eat so I do and if I end up ill from eating I don't know then so help me lol

Well that was a right wee cheery topic Today, put my in the right kind of mood to go pop open a bottle of vino lol oh well Tomorrow looks more promising seven wants lol; how to stop at seven.
Anyway what your biggest fears im sure someone has got something bit better than mine.

Kirsty xoxo

Saturday 13 April 2013

10 day challenge- 9 loves

So its day 2of the 10day you challenge so Today were talking about 9loves; here it goes

. 1- Ofcourse my top love has to be my family(mushy I know)but serious ive had a bit of a crappy 12months and my family have been absolutly amazing theyve stood by me and supported me dispite the tears and the mood swings lol but honestly its been hard and for that im truley thankful. But my lovely family wouldnt be complete without my gawjus little nephew matthew. Hes an absolute chatter box and a diehard westlife fan just loke his Auntie Kirsty I can tell hes gona go far ;)

2- Cameras, yes I'm a tiny bit of a poser when it comes to cameras but really its not just photos of myself im in love with really im not that vain lol. I honestly taking photos; friends, family or amazing places they all have to be photographed each picture speaks a thousand words and in just one quick look can transport you to some brilliant memories.

3- My kindle, Omg I've always loved reading, my taste in books can be rather varied it all depends on my mood. But lets be honest we all buy a good and once we're done with it what happens? If your anything like me it ends up cluttering about in your room so imagine my excitement when the kindle arrived. At the push of a button I have instant access to my amazon account and can  download any book I want in seconds. Its also fab its so small fits into my handbag literally goes everywhere with me and now with it being a screen its dead handy to save my place in the book rather than having to folding pages ect.

4- A gid old bevy, I love my girlie nights out but as I said in my previous blog entry im the sensible one when out so I'd rather have a few munchies and raid my daddies drinks supplies lol. I can try my hand at many a drinks but honestly don't expect me to be in the best condition.

5-- Handbags and Shoes I wouldn't be your typical girl if I didn't say I absolutely love me some shoes and handbags. I can ofcourse go a tiny bit mental I see them I have to have them often I can buy them and have nothing to go with them which ofcourse is a major issue and I just have to buy something to go with them.

6- I love cooking but only if I have someone to cook for otherwise i'm very lazy and its a takeaway for myself. I'm not the kind of person that experiments with cooking though if it tastes good don't go adding this that and the next its just pointless.

7- I'm going to put this out there and slowly as you read this I hear the cringes I LOVE TWILIGHT, allow me to explain. I used to cringe at the very thought of such an over rated fantasy movie but then my boyfriend at the time talked me round he said his little sister told him it was awesome so I watched. Before I knew it I was rushing out to buy the books which I read rather quickly and then I was scowering the web for movie clips, release dates I had to find my fix some how. Now I'm just grateful I have them all on Blu ray and can watch when ever I want.

8- I'm not your average cosmetics obsessive to me a powders a powder so long as it does its job. So last week for my journey home from Glasgow I bought the marie Claire mag I had to see what the buzz was bout; I got a free gift with Ciate nail polish! This polish should be £9 and I got it for a whooping £3.60 free with a mag, according to the label the colour is Pocket Money (call me blonde if ive missed read) its a cross between orange/peach its so stunning and quiet natural. I must say this polish is a god send it goes with anything which means no more last minute nail painting to go with an outfit; I don't normally splurge on cosmetics but I know for sure when this runs out I will defo need more.

9- Instagram what an app by the way is all I can say. Remember the days when pimping your photos was when you added the black and white filter and you thought you were amazing, now with a few tweeks any photo can look amazing and allows you to share with your social network without having to upload to each every site.

Well that's my 9 loves people what do you love.

Friday 12 April 2013

10day challenge

Hello everyone, I decided to join the blogging world a while ago but lets just say im rather busy with work and sometimes I feel id just be writing for sake of it lol. |So anyway My good friend Christina May is doing the 10day challenge so I decided to jump on the bang wagon; and who knows I may actually write some thing.

The challenge is as follows:
10 Secrets
9 Loves
8 Fears
7 Wants
6 Places
5 Foods
4 Books
2 Songs
1 Picture
So lets get started with 10 I must prewarn you all these secrets are not so juicy and realy I wouldn't say I had very many secrets.
1. I loooove my job: Yes I know its not much of a secret lol but how many people personally love there job? I mean really I used to work in retail and that was a job I got up did my work dreaded every shift, now I have the odd off day like everyone else but I believe that this is the career for me and at the moment I am aiming for higher and Im not the kind to get knocked down.
2. I get serious envy for all those gawjus BBloggers out there, yes I wear the odd casually make up and on nights out its your average black or purple (dark shades). I seriously wish I had a clue when it comes to cosmetics; I don't know what brands to use ( I have rather sensitive skin making me scared to try anything new) whats good for my skin and weither im being seriously ripped off when it comes to prices lol. My amazing friend Christina has tried her best I must say but shes rather glam compared to myself litrally she can pull of anything she looks so gawjus in all those bright colours which id personally love to wear but im concerned I end up looking like coco's sister and become a laughing stock.
3.I dress like a totally tom boy; jeans , t shirts & hoodies and I love my ugg boots they sound like your typical winter outfits trust me there in my summer closet also lol. I've spent so long dressing in jeans ect that even when it comes to summer I feel that wearing dresses ect people while stare and reckon it looks unnatural. I spent the weekend last week living in dresses and come Sunday I was grateful to put my jeans on lol.
4. Im scared of growing up being the crazy cat lady you see in movies; let me explain I was always the one in our friend group whom was in a relationship up until last year I was due to get married and now everyone else is in relationships which makes me feel kinda lonely.
5. Im to much of a mummys girl; I've always dreamed of growing up moving abroad and living some amazing life but I could never leave my family gees I went on a two weeks holiday one year and had no mobile signal I was cracking up at the bloody phone box everyday to call my parents. I can prove I defo cant cope I finally got my dream job in early 2009 as a childrens rep for canvas holidays I was sooo excited I met some amazing people some even have had and impact on my life and i'll never forget them but I sadly only lasted a month I cracked up on the phone one night and decided to come home. Its not as simple as it sounds my family were having a hard time my brother getting grief from his ex, my dad made unemployed due to recession and I felt useless where I was so I packed up and two days later I was back in sunny Scotland.
6. It aint  Big secret but I envy my big brother he has everything I want the job, the car, house and children and heres me 22 going on 23 I still stay with my parents and I basically live at my work; up ,work, home, bed the excitement.
7. I hateeee being classed as the sensible one of the group, I love a night out as much as anyone but often I can kind of freak, you hear all these horror stories about people getting spike, raped ect so when Im out I normally go as far as tipsy then stop I want to make sure that me and my mates get home but they think im just being a prude.
8.  I have a serious shopping problem, I still stay with my parents which means after paying digs my  wages are mine and lets just say within a week or so they can be gone i'll but things I really don't need and even if the tv is boring me at night my all time guilty pleasure is boohoo I think its down as a fave on my phone I use it that often.
9.Im not a singer far from it but ive always wanted to get up and sing on karaoke for the buzz lol; well we can all dream right.
10.I hate being home alone, my parents have a touring caravan which means often there away during spring and summer. I seriously freak the slightest noise I panic thinking there is someone in my house and even sometimes before I go to bed I can check the locks up to 10 times before going to sleep (freak I know lol)
Anyway I'm sorry that wasn't all that exciting secrets but really I don't have any maybe my other challenges will produce some more goss!