Sunday 14 April 2013

10day you challenge; 8 fears

Well its day 3 of the 10day challenge Todays topic 8 fears. Before I get started I must let you all know that personally I am not overwhelmed with the topic but needs must to complete the challenge but at present I'm struggling for 8 so wish Me luck and hopefully I'll make it to the end/

1- Embarrassing myself in social environment is a huge fear of mine; I'm personally not the most intelligent person (enough to get me by in day to day life) but it scares the hell out of me. I worry that at some point or another someone will raise a topic of discussion and I'm going to have not a clue about it (politics is my weakest topic by far; I did modern at school but basically our teacher let us watch Chewn the fat lol). I mean there is nothing worse than sitting in a large group everyone nattering away then they turn to you "What do you think?" =0 , the phrase like a deer in head lights totally springs to mind lol.
2- After being in what I would class as a long term relationship and now being a single (independent is a better word lol) woman I have met my fair share of TWATS since, the guys that act interested want your number but unless your playing easy they aint really that into you. So my big fear here is being soo lame that I don't find a guy that's genuinely into me and I end up alone; As my lovely friend KT says I'm going to turn into the scary old cat lady :(
3- Being an underachiever is a big worry, I know loads of people whom finished school, went to uni and have the job they always dreamed of and I always worry I'll never compare to all that. I finished school, went to college and came out of college early cause I got offered a Job; the job I had wanted all my days to be a Nursery Nurse, let me put it politely It was hell in its highest form nothing like I wanted to do after which I ended up in retail (yehh, NOT!). I waddled along keeping my head down at the end of the day a job was a job. Then a certain someone whom shall remain nameless looked down her nose at me because I worked in retail woo well that was it I was out to prove them wrong, Now I have a fab job as a Support Worker but there's still so much I want all I can do is aim high and try to get there.
4- Being home alone (haha I know sad right) Seriously I'm22 and I still live with my parents I'm that scared of being alone. Often my parents go away for weekends and I feel like Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone the slightest noise freaks me out and I just hate it way to much.
5-  Most people have a pet peeve for these little creepers Spiders! I'm mean they move so fast, and there wee legs eww there dead creepy (even writing this it feels like there all over me thinking bout them).  I've seen a fair few of the big beasties in my life time and the joys of still staying at home I let out the loudest scream ever and I no longer have to deal with them its Daddy to the rescue lol.
6- Getting old, well I know its inevitable and it happens to us all its the circle of life and what not. What I worry about getting old is that I want have done everything that I'll have wanted to do and when I'm younger and when I'm old I'll be incapable of doing it.
OMG so I've managed 6 so far really beginning to struggle this topic is quiet  depressing, must keep going.... must complete challenge....
7- It sounds really silly but rumors/gossip are a fear of mine they can be damaging to a person mentally and ruin someones life. When you were at school remember the school gossips would take turns of picking on one girl making up a rumor and making her life hell; I remember this one time girls started a rumor and I didn't want to go to school for like a month stupid really when you know it isn't true but its even worse when your own so called mates begin to believe it.
But when you leave school you believe those days are over and you'll all good and safe in the real world now until  People get there selves in trouble and to cover their own ass they make up lies/rumours about someone else; this is dangerous people! (sorry ranting abit now, lets leave this one lol)

8- This whole meat scandal and the moment scares the living hell out me, its like a fear of eating anything now and not knowing what you are actually eating what crazy concoction is in this dish, what kind of disgusting tranquilizers or what ever might you be eating. Unfortunately for me I personally love my food to much and I need to eat so I do and if I end up ill from eating I don't know then so help me lol

Well that was a right wee cheery topic Today, put my in the right kind of mood to go pop open a bottle of vino lol oh well Tomorrow looks more promising seven wants lol; how to stop at seven.
Anyway what your biggest fears im sure someone has got something bit better than mine.

Kirsty xoxo

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