Monday 15 April 2013

10day you challenge - 7 wants

Oh wow i am loving todays topic well more than yesterdays:) I get to talk about the things I want its going to be sooo hard to decide what ones to write about. So here we go.


1- I sooo want to achieve well in my job :) after not liking my job in the nurserty I ad varuous other jobs and ive always long to get the higest possible level in my job title. Now Ive found a job which I love im aiming to become a pracrioner as apposed to a support worker, as much as I love my current role its good to have high ambitions.

2- I want a bike!! No im not talking bicycle I really want a motor bike. However my mum knew a guy that died in a bike accident when she was younger and is petrified that i'll end the same fqte so id rather not upset her so a girl can dream lol.

3-I want to have the guts to stick up for myself, as my manager once told me im not good with confrontation (not that im the kind to get involved with arguements ect lol.) If someone is annoying me or taking the piss ive got a tendency to take a seat and let it happen because im scared to say anything and them getting annoyed with me in the long run :(.

4-I want to go to Italy more specifacally Verona. I dont know what it is about it Ive read so much about it and Ive always really wanted to go maybe; when im lucky enough some tall dark stranger will sweep me off my feet and take me lol.

5-I want world wide awareness of autism, not just autism but people to be more aware of disabilities and to stop being so judgemental. It bugs me so much being out in the community and seeing the  stares because people dont understand. I just wish for people to be more understanding.

6-I want to have a qualification sounds pretty lame lol but despite having a good job behind me I literally don't have a qualification the highest I have is an NC is social care (wow). I just want to have a piece of paper at the end of the day same as everyone else to say yes i'm good at this but I actually have the certificate to say so lol. I don't know why its never really bothered me but I know so many well educated people and I just want to fit in lol. At the moment I am in waiting for an SVQ2/3 via my work which I'm really looking forward to when it occurs but what I've always wanted to do was childhood studies at Edinburgh Uni; maybe some day a girl can dream right?

7-  After todays tragedy on the news (boston explosion) I'm going to say the one thing I truly hope everyone wants; WORLD PEACE. My god it makes me sick to wake up everyday and there be yet another story this country did this, they said that. Now I understand that every country has its own beliefs ect ect but why the hell can everyone not just get along they are truly not thinking about the innocent parties involved in this all.

Thanks for reading everyone I may not have time tomorrow so i'll unfortunately be a day behind.

Can I just ask a quick favour can everyone please send out prayers to those of the boston explosion and there families; no one should ever have to go through this.

Kirsty xx

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